Painter and sculptor, born in Placenza, Italy.

Corbelini worked from his Paris studio painting still lifes, portraits and landscapes.

He exhibited at the Salon de la Nationale, the Salon d’Automne, the Salon des Tuileries and the Salon des Independants.

Joie de Vivre was a series of artwork which introduced harlequins and costumed boys. The painting titled, Blue Boy was a piece of the exhibit.


  • E. Benezit Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs;
  • Feature article: Apollo Defenseur des Arts, September 1st, 1948;
  • The catalogue, Paix sur la Terre, 1960 by Durand-Ruel; Joie de Vivre 1958.

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