Born in Paris in December of 1854, Eugene Galien-Laloue is recognized as one of the top masters of French impressionist street scenes.

Beginning in 1877 he was a student of Charles Laloue, a long-time member of the Artistes Français, a prestigious French art association. Gifted beyond measure, Galien-Laloue became well known at the turn of the century for capturing the very ambiance of Paris on his canvas.

During the early part of his career as an artist Galien-Laloue took on several pseudonyms because of an exclusive contract with a major gallery. These pseudonyms included L. Dupuy, J. Lievin and E. Galiany, all of which are listed in the E. Benezit Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs and the Laloue Catalogue Raisonné.

Working in gouache with light, delicate strokes, Galien-Laloue had the uncanny ability to give the illusion of detail in an impressionistic style. Well-known in France, his paintings of the early 1900’s accurately represent the era in which he lived – Paris’ happy, bustling days of horse-drawn carriages, trolley cars, and its first omnibuses. A typical Galien-Laloue painting depicted scenes of Parisian sidewalks and avenues crowded with people or turn-of-the-century tourists mingling before the capital’s monuments.

In addition, the artist’s landscapes of Normandy and Seine-et-Marne are highly esteemed, as well as the military scenes he produced in 1941. Indeed, Galien-Laloue’s works are valued not only for their contribution to 20th century art, but for the actual history, which they document.

A forerunner in popularizing the painting of street scenes, Galien-Laloue has inspired and influenced many of yesterday and today’s artists, including renowned French impressionists Edouard Cortès and Antoine Blanchard. A historically prominent figure, discriminating and knowledgeable collectors all over the world seek out the works of Eugene Galien-Laloue.


  • E. Benezit Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs.
  • Eugene Galien-Laloue Catalogue Raisonne by Noe Willer.
  • Dictionnaire des Petits Maitres de la Peinture.


  • Musee des Beaux-Arts, Louvier
  • Musee des Beaux-Arts, La Rochelle
  • Mulhouse, France

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