Francois Gall was born in Kolozvar, Transylvania to Hungarian parents, on March 22, 1912.

His studies began in Rome at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, where his attentions were to secure a niche in the academics of art. As part of his professorial training, he cultivated a manual for the technical exercises of the artist, which was shared with other members of the Academy.

In 1930, the Hungarian government offered Gall a grant to further his studies. Choosing Paris as his destination, he eventually settled there in 1936 and accepted a teaching position in the Devambez School of the National Academy of Fine Arts. The work of the French Impressionists greatly influenced his own painting and he soon found more of his time devoted to his studio than to the classroom. He began showing his works. In 1932 at the age of 20 his art works were displayed in a national exposition for which he was awarded “Le Prix Hunyadi-Aldobrandini”. Audiences instantly fell in love with his portraits and figuratives set in the environs of Paris were familiar and inviting.

In 1975 he become the Vise-President of the National Painters and Sculptures. There after he exhibited in The California Museum of Science and Industry in Los Angeles. His works have become prominent in museums and collections throughout the world.


  • The Francis Smith 1963, 67-68,
  • Gold Medal du Mérite National Français 1965,
  • Prix Léon Bonnat 1970,
  • La Médaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris 1974


  • The book F. Gall by Andre Flament

Private Collection:

  • Durand-Ruel, Ducrocquet, Dudley, Golwynn-Mayer, Hammer, Alex Kahan, Knoedler, Max Stern, etc…
  • Museums and Public Collection
  • Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires à Paris
  • Musée de l’Union Française à Versailles
  • Musée d’Auxerre
  • Musée de la Tronche-Hébert
  • Fondation René d’Uckermann
  • Ministère de l’Education Nationale
  • Ambassade de France in Karachi
  • Ambassade de France in Managua
  • Galerie Nationale in Budapest
  • Museum of Szolnok, Hongaria
  • Museum of Bucarest
  • Museum of Cluj and Baia-Mare, Roumania
  • Museum of Modern Art in Boston and Caracas
  • Museum John Bass in Miami
  • Foundation Larry-Schumann in Boston
  • Museum of Kristianstad, Sweden


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