Daniel Girard was born March 9, 1890 in Paris where he made his home as a painter and engraver. Girard received a degree from the University of Paris as well as a diploma from the University of Cambridge. He served in the 28th infantry regiment of the French army and received the following awards and medals: Medaille Militaire, Croix de Guerre 1914-1918; Appelé au Service 1911 and 1913; Blessure de guerre, demobilize aout 1919; Officier des Palmes Academiques; Medaille d’Argent de l’Education Physique; Chevalier de l’ordre des Arts et des Lettres.

Artistic Activities:

  • President of the Salon d’Hiver
  • Vice president and Secretary General of the Federation of the Society of Graphic Arts
  • Vice president and Secretary General of the National Syndicate of Artists
  • Member of the Conseil d’ Administration de l’Entr’aide des Travailleurs Intellectuels
  • Member of the Counsel for Administration of the Artists Cooperative
  • Secretary General of the Society of Engravers of l’Eau-Forte
  • Delegate of Conseil Superieur de la Confederation des Travailleurs Intellectuels
  • Delagate of Conseil Superieur de Travail du Ministere du Travail
  • Member of the Salon d’Hiver
  • Member Hors-Concours des Artistes Francais
  • Member of the “Samothrace”
  • Member of Graveurs a l’Eau-Forte


  • Salon d’ Automne
  • Salon des Tuileries
  • Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture a l’Eau


  • Silver medal, Exposition of 1937
  • Silver medal, de la Ville de Paris 1958
  • Taylor prize 1957
  • Gold medal, Artistes Francais 1958
  • Museums and Collections:
  • Many purchases by the city of Paris and the French government
  • Suite de gravures de Paris au Musee Carnavalet
  • Dessins et gravures au Musee d’ Epernay
  • Nombreuses expositions particulieres
  • Girard illustrated more than seventy works of art for the following authors:
  • Ferroud, Pichon, Kieffer, Piazza, Morance, Cyral, Laurens, Sudel, Gilbert, Glomeau, Bouvin, and Hachette.
  • Girard authored the following:
  • Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde
  • De Saint Louis a Lyautey
  • Contes et Legendes du Moyen-Age
  • Many short stories published in magazines

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